Feature article – The pros and cons of iPads in class

In der Oberstufe werden bei uns bereits regulär iPads im Unterricht genutzt, und ab dem kommenden Schuljahr sollen auch ab der 9. Klasse alle Schüler*innen mit einem iPad ausgestattet werden. Das hat die 10c zum Anlass genommen, das Thema in Form von feature articles im Fach Englisch kontrovers zu beleuchten. Zwei der gelungensten Arbeiten sollen an dieser Stelle vorgestellt werden.

The Pros and Cons of using iPads in Class

by Meikel Preis, 10c

Lately, there have been many discussions concerning the use of iPads in class. At our school, this is also a hot topic as there are plans to implement iPads in our educational system as well.

Imagine you have the possibility to use an iPad in school – would you be distracted by using it? Many people argue you would as students might even see it as a toy. Looking at how some students already get distracted by their mobile phones this isn‘t an unreasonable claim. Some critics are also worried about the purchase costs as some families might not have the money to pay for it. Other people just aren’t good with technology and can’t work effectively. Technical flaws also cause reason for concern as losing connection will happen every once in a while making you unable to use your iPad you then often solely rely on.

Yet, there are arguments for the use of iPads as well. An iPad is easy to carry for example. Also, it will gradually exchange all the heavy books you had to carry before. Furthermore, you’ll also have fast and easy access to information via the internet at hand. Another very important point is the versatility of an iPad. It can practically do everything: it has a calculator, apps to write with, and much more. Last but not least – society is evolving towards a state in which technology is getting more and more important. Considering that aspect teaching and practicing constantly how to use iPads is necessary. Thus, using iPads is a first step towards improving media competence in school

To sum up, iPads are good in terms of their versatility and their importance for teaching the usage of technology at school, but they also may distract students from their work, too. Consequently, I appeal to you students: whenever you get to use an iPad in class try to handle your iPad responsibly and don’t get distracted, otherwise using iPads in class might lose its initial purpose – which is to improve media competence and to prepare for your future lives.

Using iPads in Class

by Josef Nguyen, 10c

Using iPads in class has become a big issue at our school recently. Therefore, I want to inform you about the advantages and disadvantages of using iPads in class.

First of all, iPads are very expensive, and not everyone is able to finance them in the first place. Furthermore, getting an iPad repaired after having dropped it is also costly. My second argument against using iPads in class is that iPads are a big temptation for students to get distracted from learning which might lead to bad grades. The next point I want to discuss is that you need a reliable internet connection in order to learn properly with iPads, otherwise you get interrupted every single lesson. My last argument against using an iPad in class is that students literally might forget how to write without a keyboard which could lead to problems in written exams for example.

Nevertheless, there are also many positive effects when using an iPad in class, e.g. a lighter school bag as iPads are very small and compact. In that sense, it is a perfect learning tool and good for your back, too. Another pro argument is that we wouldn’t waste paper and pens as much as before which is better for the environment.

To sum up, my last argument for using an iPad in class is that it helps to structure your learning process as it is easier to find and save documents.